Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Monday 2-22-16

Beginning our study of US Imperialism - Chapter 17

Section 1


3 Causes

-Alfred T. Mahan
--"Influence of Sea Power Upon History"

-"White Man's Burden"
-"Little Brown Brothers"
-Anglo-Saxon Superiority

-"Seward's Folly"


-Bayonet Constitution

-Queen Liliuokalani

-Sanford B. Dole


-Asia Significance

-Spheres of Influence

-Open Door Policy (China)
--Sec. of State John Hay

-Boxer Rebellion

-Russo-Japanese War
--TR's Nobel Prize

-"Great White Fleet" 1907

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Wednesday 2-17-16

Progressivism - Chapter 16 Sect. 3

The Progressive Presidents
-Theodore Roosevelt
--"Accidental President"
--"Bully Pulpit"
--Anthracite Coal Strike 1902
--"Square Deal"

-"Teddy the Trustbuster"
--Northern Securities v. US
--Elkins Act and Hepburn Act

-Consumer Protection
--Pure Food & Drug Act
--Meat Inspection Act

-Environmental Protection
--John Muir
---National Parks
--Newlands Reclamation Act
--Gifford Pinchot
--Antiquities Act

-Election of 1912

Monday 2-15-16

Progressivism - Chapter 16 Sect. 2

Key Terms:

-Opportunities for Women

--Higher Education
--1870 - 20%
--1900 - 33%

--Mostly clerical jobs, teachers, nurses
--Most women did not work outside of the home

--Anti-Saloon League
--Carry Nation

-18th Amendment
--Prohibition of Alcohol

--Susan B. Anthony

-19th Amendment
--Alice Paul

Friday, February 12, 2016

Thursday 2-11-16

Chapter 16 - The Progressive Era

Link to Progressivism Flash Cards

Sec. 1



-Jacob Riis
-Ida Tarbell
-Lincoln Steffens
-Upton Sinclair
--Pure Food & Drug Act
--Meat Inspection Act

Civil Rights
-Ida Wells-Barnett
-W.E.B. DuBois
-Anti-Defamation League
--Anti-Semitism (Jews)

Workplace Reform
-Florence Kelley/"Mother" Mary Harris Jones
--Child Labor
-Muller v. Oregon 1908
--10 Hour Workday
-Triangle Factory Fire 1911

-I.W.W. - "Wobblies"

Political Reforms
-Commission System
-Council Manager Plan
-Robert La Follette
--"Fighting Bob"
--State Govt. Reform
17th Amendment
-Direct Primary
-Secret Ballot
--"Australian Ballot"

Monday, February 8, 2016

Monday 2-8-16

Chapter 15 - Section 1 & 2
Old Immigrants - 
New Immigrants - 
-"Push Factors"   "Pull Factors"
-                          -
-                          -
-                          -
Ellis Island/Angel Island - 
Cultural Pluralism - 
Ethnic Communities - 
Benevolent Societies - 
Increased Nativism - 
Chinese Exclusion Act - 
Gentlemen's Agreement (Japan) -
Literacy Tests - 
"Americanization" - 
Urban Life
Skyscraper - 
Elisha Otis - 
City Parks -
-Frederick Law Olmsted
Tenements - 
Settlement Houses - 
-Jane Addams
-Hull House
Social Gospel -

Sec. 3
Gilded Age Politics
Political Machines
-Boss Tweed
--Tammany Hall
Thomas Nast
Federal Corruption
-Grant Scandals
--Credit Mobilier
--Whiskey Ring
--Indian Ring
Republican Party Split
-Stalwarts - Patronage - Spoils System
-Mugwumps - Reform
Garfield Assassination
-Pendleton Civil Service Act 1883
Populist Movement
-The Grange
-Populist Party
--"3rd Party"
-Omaha Platform
--8 Hour workday
--Regulation of RR
--Direct Election of Senators
--Graduated Income Tax
William Jennings Bryan

Sec. 4 - Segregation & Discrimination
-Poll Tax
-Literacy Test
-Grandfather Clause
Plessy v. Ferguson 1896
-"Separate but equal"
Racial Etiquette
Booker T. Washington
-Tuskegee Institute
W.E.B. DuBois
-"Immediate Equality"
-De Facto Segregation
-De Jure Segregation

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Thursday 2-4-16

I will be out of class today.  You will be finishing up with the movie "Far and Away".  Be ready to discuss the movie tomorrow.

Link to Gilded Age Flashcards

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Monday 2-1-2016

We are continuing our study of Chapter 14 and the Gilded Age.

Key Terms:

Sec. 3
-Sherman Antitrust Act

Working Conditions
-Long Hours
-Low Pay
-Dangerous Conditions
-Child Labor

-Labor Unions

-Knights of Labor
-American Federation of Labor AFofL
     Samuel Gompers

-Haymarket Strike



-Eugene V. Debs

Sec. 4
Mass Transit
-Street Cars

Communication Innovations

Thomas Edison
-Light Bulb