Thursday, December 17, 2015

Friday, December 4, 2015

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Thursday 11-12-15

Today we will watch a video on the Home Front and then you will need to complete the following questions on your own sheet of paper.  You may start this while watching the video.  You may need to use the book while looking at the chapters on World War II.

Link to WWII Questions

Remember that we will be taking a test on World War II tomorrow.  This activity will be helpful.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Thursday 11-05-15

Today we will begin our study of World War II

Link to Notes Handout

Link to Study Guide

Link to Questions on WWII from The Americans

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Monday, October 26, 2015

Monday 10-26-15

Today we will be continuing our viewing of the movie, Cinderella Man.

There will be some questions that you will be assigned after viewing the film.

Link to Movie Questions

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Monday, October 19, 2015

Monday 10-19-15

Today we will be looking at the effects of the Great Migration on American Culture.

Great Migration:

-Racial Tension: Red Summer of 1919

Harlem - the capital of African American Culture and activism

Harlem Renaissance:
-Common Theme - defiance or resistance of white prejudice

The New Negro:

W.E.B. DuBois - "The Crisis"

Marcus Garvey:

Famous Harlem Renaissance Figures:

-Langston Hughes
   -The Negro Speaks of Rivers
   -"I, Too"

-Zora Neale Hurston
-Claude McKay

-Jacob Lawrence

-Paul Robeson

-Louis Armstrong
-Duke Ellington
-Bessie Smith

Friday 10-16-15

We will be continuing our study of the 1920s today.

Key Terms:
New Roles for Women


Effects of Urbanization
-Clash of Culture/Values

Rise of Fundamentalism
-Billy Sunday

-Scopes Trial
   -Evolution vs. Creation

Success of Prohibition?
-Volstead Act
-Organized Crime
   -Al Capone

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Thursday 10-15-15

I will be out of class today.  Mrs. Hildebrand will there as my substitute.  I trust that you will not give her any trouble.

Assignments for today:
You will be completing your group assignment of creating a 1920s newspaper with certain stories that pertain to chapters 19 and 20.  Make sure your finished product meets all expectations which you can find on yesterday's blog post.

If there is time left, you will watch an episode of America: Story of Us.

Wednesday 10-14-15

Today we will be continuing our study of the 1920s.

We will be starting a group project to create a 1920s Newspaper.  You will be creating the front page only.  The instructions can be found here.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Tuesday 10-13-15

"The Business of the American People is Business.
The man that builds a factory builds a temple.
The man that works there, worships there".
-President Calvin Coolidge

-Henry Ford

-Assembly Line Production
   -"Model T"
   -$5 a day wage

-Productivity - up 60% in the 1920s

-Welfare Capitalism

-Impact of the Automobile on American Society


-Installment Plan Buying
   -"Buy now, pay later"

   -"Appeals to Needs, Wants, & Fears!"

-Impact of the Radio

-Tariffs - up 60% in the 1920s to protect American businesses

Monday 10-12-15

Post WWI and the Roaring 20s
Key Terms:
After the war, a lot of economic and political turmoil

First Red Scare

A. Mitchell Palmer - "Palmer Raids"
-Deportation of radicals

1919 - "The Year of the Strike"
->over 3000 strikes that year

Limiting Immigration
Emergency Quota Act 1921
National Origins Act 1924

"New" KKK

Sacco & Vanzetti Case
-Anti-immigrant attitudes

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Saturday 10-10-15

Next week we will begin studying the Post WWI Era and get into the Roaring 20s.  Here is a link to Jacob Lawrence's Migration Series help you get familiar with the Harlem Renaissance that impacted Northern cities as a result of the Great Migration.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Wednesday 10-7-15

Key Terms in Chapter 18:



-Sussex Pledge

-"He Kept Us Out of War"

-"Peace Without Victory"

-Zimmermann Telegram

-Russian Revolution

-"To Make The World Safe For Democracy"

-Selective Service Act

-Segregated Forces

   -John J. Pershing

-Bolshevik Revolution

-Women's Role in the War

Home Front
-War Revenue Act

-Liberty Bonds

-W.I.B.  - War Industries Board

-Food Administration
   -Victory Gardens
   -"Meatless Mondays & Wheatless Wednesdays"
   -18th Amendment
      -Volstead Act
-Fuel Administration
   -Daylight Savings Time

-National War Labor Board

-Women's Roles

-Influenza Epidemic

-Committee on Public Information
   -"4 Minute Men"

-Espionage & Sedition Acts

-Schenck v. United States

Friday, October 2, 2015

Friday 10-2-15

Today we will be working on a small group project that pertains to America's involvement in The Great War.

Here is the link to the Choose Your Own Adventure Activity

This should be done completely using the links included on the assignment page.  Make sure you follow the instructions as described.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Thursday 10-1-15

Today we will wrap up our study of US Imperialism by taking a test.  The link to the flash cards for review is on Wednesday's post.

Then we will begin our study of America's involvement in WWI.

Link to WWI Slideshow

Link to Quiz quiz for a review

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wednesday 9-30-15

We will finish up our study of US Imperialism

We will be finishing up our essays that we started on last week.

Tomorrow we will have a test to see how much we have learned.

Link to Flash Cards

Link to Vocabulary Worksheet for Chapter 17.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tuesday 9-29-15

Today we will continue with our study of US Imperialism

Key Terms:
-Panama Canal
     Popular Palindrome:  A MAN A PLAN A CANAL PANAMA
   -Panamanian Revolution
   -T.R.'s Greatest Accomplishment

-Roosevelt Corollary
   -"Big Stick Policy"

-Great White Fleet

-Dollar Diplomacy

-Mexican Revolution
   -US Intervention
   -Pancho Villa
   -John J. Pershing

Link to Video about the Decade of the 1900s.

Link to Rough Riders Questions.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Monday 9-28-15

Use the following link to answer the questions assigned to the group.

U.S. Imperialism

-From Russia 1867 - $7.2M
-Seward's Folly

-Missionaries-> Sugar Planters
-Hawaiian League
   -Bayonet Constitution
-Queen Liliuokalani
-Sanford B. Dole
-Annexed by US in 1898
   -William McKinley

-Opened by Great Britain in 1870s
-Spheres of Influence
-Open Door Policy
   -Sec. of State John Hay
-Boxer Rebellion

-Matthew Perry opened up in 1853
-Japan industrialization->Modernization
-Russo-Japanese War - 1904
   -Nobel Peace Prize for T. Roosevelt

Spanish-American War
-Cuba Libre Causes
   -Jose Marti
   -Gen. "Butcher" Weyler
-Yellow Journalism
   -Wm Randolph Hearst
   -Joseph Pulitzer
-Key Triggers
   -USS Maine explosion
     -"Remember the Maine"
   -DeLome Letter
-T.R.'s Role
2 Scenes of Action
   -Admiral George Dewey
   -Emilio Aguinaldo*
   -Theodore Roosevelt
   -Rough Riders
   -Buffalo Soldiers
     -John J. "Black Jack" Pershing

Splendid Little War
-Treaty of Paris 1898
   -Cuba becomes a US Protectorate
     -Platt Amendment
   -US Acquires:
     -Puerto Rico
     -American Samoa

-What to do with the Philippines?

-Philippine-American War

Link to Imperialism Activity

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Thursday 9-24-15

We will be continuing with Imperialism today.

Link to Imperialism Vocab sheet.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wednesday 9-23-15

Today we will begin our study of US Imperialism at the turn of the 20th Century.

We will begin with reviewing and learning some important vocabulary terms:
Social Darwinism
Anglo-Saxon Superiority
Yellow Journalism
Cuban Insurrection
USS Maine
Spanish American War

Link to Imperialism Slideshow

Link to USS Maine Explosion Documents

Link to Why Invade Cuba Documents

Writing Prompt for today:
After reading primary and secondary sources related to US Imperialism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, write an essay in which you examine causes of United States Imperialism and explain the effects on the United States as well as on other countries around the world.  Support your discussion with evidence from the texts.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Thursday 9-17-15

EQ:  What were the sacrifices that women made to help bring about ratification of the 19th Amendment?

Today you will be watching a movie entitled "Iron Jawed Angels" about the women's suffrage movement.

As you watch the movie, there are several questions that I want you to ponder:

Directions: Answer the following questions in complete sentences on a separate sheet of paper.
  1. What is your reaction to what happened at the parade? Was it a good or bad thing? Explain.
  2. Respond to the quote: “Those in power should be held responsible not only for what they do but for what they do not do.”
  3. What does Alice Paul decide to do when NAWSA leaders basically call her a thief? Why is this important?
  4. Why does Alice go home after what happened to Inez? Why does Alice feel so bad about her death?
  5. Would you have picketed even though the country was at war? Why or why not? Thoroughly explain your position.
  6. Why did Alice Paul go on a hunger strike? Why did the prison respond by bringing her to the mental ward to speak to a doctor?
  7. What does the prison start doing to Alice when her followers join her in the hunger strike? What is your reaction to this?
  8. What happens when the news that force feeding has been going on in the prison gets to the papers and the public? What happens to the suffragettes once the news got out? What is President Wilson’s reaction?
  9. From the Seneca Falls Convention to when the amendment was put in the Constitution, how long did it take for women to get the vote?  Were you surprised by the tactics used by the government to try to silence the suffragettes? Why or why not?
  10. What is your reaction to the movie as a whole? What happened to the arrests of the suffragettes? Is this justice?

Wednesday 9-16-15

EQ: Was the drinking of alcohol really a serious issue in the late 1800s?

Link to Prohibition

Progressive Era Articles
Conservation and National Parks

How Women Won The Right To Vote

Panic of 1907 and the Federal Reserve Act

Progressives and Trust Busting

Pullman Strike and Eugene V. Debs

Upton Sinclair's The Jungle

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tuesday 9-15-15

We are continuing our study of the Progressive Era.

EQ: Were the Progressives successful in making government more responsive to the needs of the people?

Continue with Slideshow

Link to Crash Course:  Progressive Presidents

Link to Progressive Era Questions

Friday, September 11, 2015

Friday 9-11-15

EQ:  How was the McKinley assassination a turning point in American History?

Link to Murder at the Fair discussion questions

Link to Progressive Era Flash Cards

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Thursday 9-10-15

Today we will begin our study of the next unit of study called The Progressive Era

Henry George and August Spies Excerpts

Progressive Era Slideshow

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Tuesday 9-8-15

EQ:  What do I know about the Gilded Age?

Today, we will review for our test tomorrow.

Gilded Age Flash Cards

Then we will review with a game of Jeopardy!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

9-1 and 9-2

We will be taking a close look at immigration with a movie entitled "Far and Away"

It is about two immigrants from Ireland who come to the US for a better, modern way of life.  This movie portrays many of the concepts that we will be covering in the Gilded Age.

Link to Far & Away Quiz

Monday, August 31, 2015

8-31-15 Day 6

Today, we will be continuing our study of the Gilded Age.

Slideshow review of Farmers and The West

Our focus today will be on Immigration.

Essential Question:  Which do you think was a more important factor in determining whether someone would decide to emigrate to America - Push Factors or Pull Factors?

Friday, August 28, 2015

8-28-15 Friday!

Today we will continue our discussion of The Gilded Age.
This information comes from Chapters 14 and 15 in the American Anthem textbook.

Essential Question: Would the Business Leaders of the late 19th Century be seen as "Robber Barons" or "Captains of Industry"?

Crash Course Video #23 The Industrial Economy

First Person Activity
To be completed with a partner.
Using the information from Chapter 14, Section 2, you are to write a first person biographical account portraying one of the powerful business leaders of the Gilded Age.
You are to use the following terms in your essay:
Social Darwinism
Vertical or Horizontal Integration

Chapter 14 and 15 Vocab Handout

How the Rich Got Rich
YouTube Video for the more interested Students

Thursday, August 27, 2015

8-27-15 Thursday Day 4

Today we will be wrapping up our review of The West with a closer look at the Populist Movement.

We will be reading an article about Frank Baum and his book, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, and how it is considered an allegory.

noun  a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.

Then we will begin our study of The Gilded Age

Gilded Age Slideshow

Chapter 14 Key Terms in Google Docs or as a webpage.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

8-26-15 Day Three

Benchmark Test
Today we will take the American History II Benchmark Test.  We will take this at the beginning of the semester and again at the end to see how much growth has taken place.  You should read all questions and do your best.  Put your answers on the answer sheet provided.  You can answer the short answer question on the back of the answer sheet.

After the Benchmark Test, we will continue with reviewing The Post Civil War West using the slideshow from yesterday.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

8-25-15 Day Two

Today we will be reviewing some of the last information that you studied last year in American History I.

Essential Question - What is the single most important development or innovation of the 19th Century?

Bubble Map Activity

The West - Slideshow

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Welcome Back and Welcome to American History II

Welcome to the blog home of Mr. Jensen's American History II class.  This will be a place where pertinent information will be posted to help you succeed in his class.  You should probably bookmark this page and check back every so often to see if anything has been posted.  As you know, the content for this class will resume where we left off last year in Am 1.  We will cover events such as the Gilded Age and the Industrialization of the late 1800s, US Imperialism, the Roaring 20s and the Great Depression, World War II, the Cold War, and the new millenium.  Good luck during the new school year.

You can contact me via email at or by phone by calling the school at 828-879-4200 ext. 4605.

About This Class

American History II Syllabus

Hello and welcome to American History II.  This semester we will continue studying the history of our great nation as we pick up where we left off getting into the Gilded Age.  From there we will get into the 20th century and work our way forward.  Hopefully this will be an enjoyable as well as informative class in which you will become more acquainted with the rich history of the United States.

Student Information Form

Please fill out the Student Information Form through the link above so that I can create a database of information which will help me throughout the semester.

American History II Pacing Guide

Above is a sample pacing guide of the events and topics that we will cover this semester.

American History II Study Guide

Above is a link to a handy little study guide that will be useful for the NC Final Exam coming up at the end of the semester.

Remind 101 Signup Link

Please follow the instructions above to sign up with Remind which is a one way texting app that allows me to keep my students and parents informed about upcoming events in class.

First Assignment - Verso Activity

Click the link to Verso

You will have to register and enter a class code.  The class code for 3rd Period is UVB0I3

The class code for 4th Period is 5PYGB7

There are two activities.  The first one is a demonstration of how to use the site.  The second one is the assignment that you will need to complete.